Build your house with the Lord!

Build your house with the Lord!

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“Unless the Lord builds the house, it’s builders labor in vain.” – Psalms 127:1

“We may make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.” – Proverbs 16:9. If this has some similarity with your life right now, praise God. Because He is going to build those steps from which you fell. Worldly wisdom says that you have to plan everything ahead of your way. Spiritual wisdom says that you have to give everything you have to the Lord. In simple words, surrender. From then onwards, He will do the rest. It’s human nature to plan beforehand. But what if our plans go south? What do we do then? From being an extrovert, we become an introvert – no family and no friends, we just don’t want them to bother us anymore. This is why the Bible teaches in everything that we do we must TRUST God and not lean on our own understanding – Proverbs 3:5. If God has a plan for you, it’s not your plan that is going to succeed. It’s definitely his alone. It’s because his plans are n times better than the ones we make our whole life.

God sees the future perfectly ahead of us. How far do we see the future? Not an inch further. He wants us to acknowledge His ways, not our ways. When we are weak, He makes us strong. That is God glorifying himself through our weaknesses so that everyone will know He is Lord.

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God bless.

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