Hate Evil

Hate Evil

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“To fear the LORD is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech.” –  Proverbs 8:13

Doing the right thing always matters. I remember during my school days when I used to point out something bad, there was always a grudgy looking face somewhere looking at me. When I look back, I see that I did something right but the people who were the recipients of my actions, were not pleased at all with my decision of having done the right thing.

During school, most people are innocent with the exception of a few. During college, the attitude changes. Every teenager with the fear of being an outcast in society will try and blend in where there is acceptance. We naturally incline towards those who accept us, even if it means that we are doing something wrong. This is where the Bible stops the sinner from sinning. Proverbs 1 mentions of wisdom which calls out to those whose feet are ready to sin. “Wisdom calls out in the streets. She cries out in public square” – Proverbs 1:20. How often do we adopt an attitude to take away the impurities? A child is vulnerable to drug abuse, pornography and violence. And so as he or she grows, this deepens further by making things worse. How often do we adopt an attitude to accept these flaws in life? When we start hating things that are not acceptable to us, we love the Lord. Love brings about a whole new perspective of life.

To fear the Lord is to hate evil says the Bible. A time comes when we have the choice to do the right thing. If we neglect that opportunity, God will remedy us with corrective actions. I’d like to say when there is time, there is still a chance for us to be saved. Let us all utilise the time we have to keep sin apart.

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God bless.

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