We expected 2020 to sound blasts of joy but it all turned out to be melancholic. The effect was that of a tsunami, sweeping away everything in it’s way. Streets that were occupied by people are now void, empty of all chatter. The deadly coronavirus has ruthlessly claimed close to 266K lives. Many hearts have grown feeble, many are still petrified and many still recovering from losing their loved ones. Hearing the testimony of a stranger who endured this life-threatening disease, it was clear that many are hanging on a balance with a 50-100% of losing their lives that they once enjoyed to the full. History is a good teacher. But are we receptive to the voice that tells us to repent now? Let’s read on further.
The epicentre of the virus is Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei Province in Central China. Many scientists suggest the origins of the virus to be from an ant-eater known as Pangolin. Neither the animal nor the source of the virus have been traced till now. A possible lab leak was also a suspicion among many conspiracy theorists. However, no theory about the origin of the virus has been confirmed.
The disease has been rampant in many parts of the world, cunningly taking lives that were innocent without being aware about it’s existence. No one anticipated a disaster that had happened nearly similar in 1918. In the blink of an eye, the health conditions of millions of people collapsed severely beginning from China, then to Italy, the US and other parts of the world.
The world has never looked for hope, as it looks for now, in a century. The peace in all this is in our savior and Lord Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. Millions look for hope from pharmaceutical giants curiously waiting for some life changing news about the vaccine, all in vain. I should clarify that I am not against medicines. As we look for hope, we should also look to our Creator is above all. As thousands face a life or death situation the Bible reminds us the power of God in Psalms 91:9 – “Because you have made the Lord your dwelling place, the Most High, who is my refuge, no evil shall be allowed to befall you, no plague shall come near your tent.”
Our refuge is under God’s wings. As the Psalmist reminds us – “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” – Psalms 23:4.
As man and medicine join together for hope once more in search of the ultimate solution to fight the novel coronavirus, amidst all this is the fundamental fact that all those who seek the kingdom of God still have everlasting hope, one that never fails. As long as the heavens last, so is God’s Word. It lasts till eternity.
Even as we put our hope in medicine, we are blinded by a small fact – The author of life is still out there. He is still our chance to be redeemed from this pandemic. I would like to clarify that I am not against taking medicines here. As we put our hope in Christ, we see his magnificent glory even in the darkest moments of life; we begin to see life in 3D. Once anxiousness sets in us, we quickly search for the easiest source of relief. It is then that we face hurdles.
There is something even more worse than coronavirus and that is our self-centered attitude. The solution is Love. Let’s refer Matthew 22:26-30.
Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.“
Here we are not talking about romantic love. That is just another form of love. The actual love is what you know when you know God closer. If you have loved God, you have known what love is. It is a bond without pride and hate. It is a character that builds inside to help others build their life while you also enjoy yours; cautiously taking every step.
It is time for our repentance to reach the heavens. If there was ever a time to reconcile with God, it would be now. Now is the time to be reborn into God’s kingdom; an act that implies confessing our sins and accepting our savior and Lord Jesus Christ. Haven’t we wondered how money would solve all problems? It seems only God can truly solve all problems right now.
The future may look bleak. Thousands are living right now without hope. There are no more rays of light shining in their lives. But God still has a purpose and a plan for his people. Everything that the enemy stole from you will be returned two-fold (Jeremiah 29:11). During this pandemic, let us all kneel in prayer and ask God to restore our blessings one by one. As coronavirus spreads vigorously, let us all keep in prayer our neighbors and dear ones and bless them with good health.
The confidence in our life is Jesus himself. I couldn’t have been more confident writing this, ever. As a witness that Jesus lives, I would like to strongly say that Jesus is our only hope. Every remedy is through his blood as it can wipe even your sins away.
It is time to trust in God and be his loyal friend. There is never a better time such as this to go nearer to God. Whatever our past may be, God is always ready to welcome us with an open heart.
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