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Fear has its roots in all of man. Be it fear of finances, fear of success etc.. the list never stops. And we are just not ready to lose it. And there my friend lies our weak point. Ultimately it is upon us whether to grow that fear inside us or not. Interestingly, it seems that most of us do actually grow fear inside us. Some kind of negativity overcomes us and finally we fall into the trap of being fearful of everything happening around in our lives, consciously or subconsciously. Have you realized that we are living in fear each and every day? You know everyday you hear atleast one person say negative things say about being fearful of the future that is yet to come. We just simply don’t want to lose grip of it. Ask yourself this question “Why do I need to live in fear all my life?” We have not been given the power to fear and we are never made to fear. Jesus has made us to be strong.

Why should I live in fear all my life? Why should I worry when my Father is up above? He is directly taking care of my things. Times come when things don’t go the way we think. But it doesn’t mean that they will end up dead. You must realize that fear is a technique used 100% all the time by the devil. He only gains through it and we only lose through it. Fear controls our minds. If our mind shatters we ourselves will crumble down wholly. And it is difficult to build our self one by one. But with the Lord nothing is impossible. Surely out of any situation shall he make you stand up. So always remember fear is where . Its like a magnet that keeps coming back again and again.

When the word of God is inside us, for certain I can you tell you that all fear will leave you forever. I have experienced it. When situations mcome say like uncertainty about the future, I have always relaxed because  God plans my future. I just need to let go of myself and let God take me along his way. The choices you make after that will be according to His will.

Fear is a trap. Our mind is what it feeds on. And we need to take the right measures or else it will spread like a fire and break us down. But remember that always there is the Lord to make us stand up. So never fear.

If fear has overtaken you, take up the bible and start reading 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”  

Finally all I have to say is to never fear or one day you’ll look back and regret “Oh why did I have to fear? The Lord was there with me always.”

Have a blessed day!!


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