Humble and Get Exalted

Humble and Get Exalted

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“For whoever exalts himself will get humbled, and whoever humbles himself will get exalted.” – Matthew 23:12

Christianity does not simply teach how to get to heaven. Every aspect of life is taken into account when you get to heaven. Pride is a factor of sin and brings us lower in God’s kingdom. When man exalts himself, he displays the pride within him. But the man who humbles himself is seen greater in the kingdom of heaven. Pride has therefore put us lower in the kingdom of heaven. It’s not every day we show our humility before everyone but when the time comes, God teaches us beforehand to express it in the best way possible. God also teaches that without love there is no use of what we have in life. Let us not allow pride to overtake our heavenly abode because of our mistakes. “The first will be last, and the last will be first” – Matthew 20:16.  

Every moment of our life let us exalt others who are close to us. If we keep them down, then so will God do to us.

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God bless.

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